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Divinity Original Sin 2 Mody

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by princolreuper1973 2020. 1. 22. 21:07


Divinity Original Sin 2 Mody

This page contains Divinity: Original Sin 2 Video Walkthroughs for PC called 'Walkthrough: Venomous Amphibians & Mody Secret's Treasures - Part 6' and has been posted or updated on Sep 22, 2017 by sin tee.

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Dialog I Mody - FWAH! Back, evil ogre, or I'll get you with. My.SWORD!Ifan Ben-Mezd -.

Laugh and beg the valiant knight not toslay you.Mody - I'll spare you this time, beast! But don’t cross meagain!

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You’re really fun! Hey- I'm gonna hidesomewhere in the cave, and you come find me! Ready.Ifan Ben-Mezd -.Tell the kid to run along and play byhimself.Mody - Wh-why? You don't want to play with me?Ifan Ben-Mezd -.Tell him you're not a child and have nointerest in childrens' games.Mody - Yeah? Well I think you look just like my dad andhe’s DEAD! So what does that make you?

I neverwanted to play with you anyway.II Mody - FWAH! Back, evil ogre, or I'll get you with. My.SWORD!Ifan Ben-Mezd - IFAN.Tell the kid to scram; you don'twant him to see the tears welling up in your eyes.Mody - You'll regret that, evil ogre beastie demon! Mysword is too STRONG for you!.The child pokes you with along stick.Mody - Die, beast! I like you!III Mody - FWAH! Back, evil ogre, or I'll get you with.

My.SWORD!Sebille -.Tell the kid to go find his parents.Mody - Knights don't have parents, ogre! We only haveSWORDS!Sebille - ‘Freeze and smile awkardly. You've never beengood with kids.Mody -.Sigh. Don't you know how to play? I'm the goodguy, you’re the bad guy, and I always win!Mody - You can't play my game!IV Sebille -.Roll your eyes and tell the kid to run along.Mody - You'll regret that, evil ogre beastie demon! Mysword is too STRONG for you!.The child pokes you with along stick.V Mody - FWAH!

Back, evil ogre, or I'll get you with. My.SWORD!The Red Prince - RED PRINCE ‘Assure the child you'reno evil ogre, even though the world has condemned you asone.Mody - Wait a second! You’re the red devil Kalias told meabout!.The kid screams like a banshee andruns away as fast as he can.Mody - No! You can't have me demon! Ieieieieieieieieie!!!VI Mody - I'll spare you this time, beast!

But don’t cross meagain! You’re really fun!

Hey- I'm gonna hidesomewhere in the cave, and you come find me! Ready.Sebille -.Say ’set'.Mody - Go!Mody - Hahahaha you found me! Ok wait, wait, wait, letme hide again.

Ready.Sebille -.Say 'set'.Mody - Go!Mody -.Shrieks!. Wow, you're REALLY smart! Youknow what? I bet my best friend would really, really, really, likeyou. I'll introduce you. (I know how to spell’introduce.'

Divinity Original Sin 2 Mody

It’s i-n-t-r-o-d-u-c-e.)VII Mody - Wither is free! Now he can be happy - he can getout!Sebille -.Ask the kid if he isn't going to miss his friend.Mody - Well yeah. A lot, a lot! But he's my friend,and it's better if your friends are happy.Sebille -.Tell the child he owes you for his friend’sfreedom.Mody - You're right.

You were really strong - like a hero!And heroes get treasures when they finish their quests. Here,take this. It’ll show you how to find my secret fort - and mytreasure chest. So here's your last quest!

If you can find a wayup, you can have my treasure.VIII Mody - So? What did you and Wither talk about?Sebille -.Tell the kid you hate to break it to him, but hisfriend is really an undead, and a quite desperate one at that.Mody - Um, yeah, I know. Why do you think I brought youdown here?

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I want you to help him. Grown-ups are weird.Maps.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Mody